
I have used Stack Overflow now for many years and it saves my bacon on a daily basis. I use to regard it as a wondrous place where developers can share ideas and pose questions, however I feel more and more that Stack Overflow has mutated into a monstrous Q&A machine.

The conflict that Stack Overflow faces is that it seems uninterested in users getting answers for their usually well formed and coherent questions but prefers to house the “best” and most grammatically correct questions and answers the internet has to offer.

If a question is considered poor by a user with moderating privileges, it will be downvoted, closed and finally deleted. On top of this users providing questions and answers that receive low marks can be banned by robots. This pretentious, opinionated community demonstrates an online society where the rich (those with high reputation) remain rich (or get richer) whilst the poor remain poor and are subsequently judged, often harshly, by those with greater power.

An example of a question I recently asked on Stack Overflow was:

Merge similar Ruby array elements together

I have an array of objects in Ruby where some of the objects share the same keys. I was wondering if there is already a method on the Array object that could flatten/merge this array into something more compact. If not I’ll just have to write my own method.

For example I have an array:

  { "match": { "": "name1" } },
  { "range": { "properties.price": { "gte": 50 } } },
  { "range": { "properties.price": { "lte": 100 } } }

and I would like to flatten/merge it such that it looks like this:

  { "match": { "": "name1" } },
  { "range": { "properties.price": { "gte": 50, "lte": 100 } } }

I felt this was a perfectly clear question with a coherent expected outcome. After all I was really only asking for some advice from somebody more familiar with Ruby to tell me whether I would have to write my own method to achieve my desired result; because who wants to waste time writing something themselves if it already exists as a language feature, right?

A Ruby Guru comes along to take a look at my question. This guy was the bees knees: 88K reputation on Stack Overflow with 93% of his posts within the Ruby category. Surely this guy could answer my question with ease. Instead he proceeds to edit my post as such:

Merge similar Ruby array elements together

I have an array of objects in Ruby where objects, some of the objects which share the same keys. I was wondering if there is already a method on the Array object that Array that could flatten/merge this array into something more compact. If not, I’ll just have to write my own method.

For example, I have an array:

  { "match": { "": "name1" } },
  { "range": { "properties.price": { "gte": 50 } } },
  { "range": { "properties.price": { "lte": 100 } } }

and I would like to flatten/merge it such that it looks like this:

  { "match": { "": "name1" } },
  { "range": { "properties.price": { "gte": 50, "lte": 100 } } }

Not only has this user not read the question properly, he has presumed that he knows best and abused his moderation privileges to edit the question thus removing the entire purpose of the question. I specifically wanted this problem solved in Ruby and wanted to know if there was any method on the Array object (in Ruby) that could accommodate my need. His edits have consequently made the question far too generic to be helpful. He continues to then close my question, marking it as “unclear, incomplete, overly-broad, primarily opinion-based or is not about programming…”. Far too many question are being closed for this largely subjective opinion.

At least he didn’t downvote me!