
Protocol Buffers are a serialisation solution developed by Google providing a platform and language neutral mechanism to send and receive structured data across the wire. Protocol Buffers encode data into dense binary objects that reduce packet sizes, enabling faster data exchange but with the disadvantage that the binary objects are not easily human readable.

Protocol Buffers allow developers to define how they want their application data to be structured and the Remote Procedural Calls (RPC) to be made available for a particular service. An example of a Protocol Buffer (specifically proto3) definition follows with a “Greeter” service that takes a user’s name and returns a customised greeting.

syntax = "proto3";

package greeter;

service Greeter {
  rpc Greet(GreetRequest) returns (GreetResponse);

message GreetRequest {
  string name = 1;

message GreetResponse {
  string message = 1;

Very often we rely on inconsistent code at the boundaries of our applications where rarely we enforce strict typing and structure of the data we exchange. Being able to encapsulate the business semantics of an application within a simple definition strengthens those boundaries providing a means to enforce business logic. This functions well when all data is required to be present in each message, however in less trivial applications business logic demands for the ability to define values that may be nullable; something not possible with proto3 using primitive data types. In contrast previous versions of Protocol Buffers, namely proto2, allowed for optional fields providing nullable support for any field type.

To understand why, it may help to think about for what reasons proto2 and proto3 both omit fields from the encoded data. In proto3 fields always have a value and as such are never left unset. Because of this proto3 can achieve a smaller payload by not transferring fields set to their default values. This incurs a form of compression, saving a few bytes on message exchange.

The proto2 specification, in addition to the above, keeps track of whether the current value was explicitly set on a field. It is this feature of proto2 that allows for the optional field types. If the current value was not explicitly set then the value is not transferred. This of course carries a small penalty of needing extra storage space to transfer flags indicating fields that have been explicitly set.

In light of this proto3 has been designed to distinguish between the absence of a primitive typed field and its default value through the use of the official value wrapper types that form part of the proto3 “standard library”.

syntax = "proto3";

package greeter;

import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";

service Greeter {
  rpc Greet(GreetRequest) returns (GreetResponse);

message GreetRequest {
  google.protobuf.StringValue name = 1;

message GreetResponse {
  string message = 1;

The main difference here is the addition of the StringValue submessage that is a simple wrapper around a string field.

message StringValue {
  string value = 1;

In proto3, submessages can be set to nil allowing developers to use wrappers for fields where the value may be optional. This adds a small amount of overhead since wrapper values end up consuming an extra byte per field because of the additional message layer. In addition the presence of the field must be checked before it is used.

Despite this, one still cannot guarantee that the value in the wrapper was explicitly set or defaulted to its zero value. However this moves the problem of supporting optional values further away from the proto3 specification and more toward developer conventions. Typically if a submessage is nil then an application consuming the message can assume the field was deliberately (or perhaps accidentally) omitted. If however the submessage has a non-nil value then it must be assumed that whatever value is held by the wrapper was intended to be consumed.